

Pilling Resistant Fiber

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Hair Ball - Formed in the process of wearing, which affects the appearance of clothing.

Using Trevella anti-pilling fibers, the fibers break before the formation of the wool ball.

Special fibers with pilling resistance

Trevella 350 is a pilling resistant polyester fiber, suitable for the field of shuttle and knitted products. The characteristic of Trevella 350 fiber is that it has hydrolysis bond in polyester chain through chemical modification of polymer.

In the dyeing process, the hydrolysis bond is broken, which fully reduces the transverse strength of the fibers. This decrease in transverse strength leads to the breakage and detachment of any hair ball in the initial stage of formation.

The strongest feature of Televela 350 pilling resistant fiber is that it has sufficient longitudinal and transverse strength when processed in white strip state, and the strength will not be lost during spinning, weaving and knitting. Only in the finished product processed with it can it show its anti-pilling characteristics.

Short molecular chains are formde by special chemical denaturation treatment

The dyeing process results in hydrolysis,which leads to the disconnection of molecular chains and the formation of short molecular chains.As a result,the transverse strength of the fibers decreases,and the pilling resistance of the fabrics is achieved.

Trevella 350 - Product Characteristics:

  • ◆Good anti-pilling properties of fibers
  • ◆Comfortable and soft feel

  • ◆Higher dyeing efficiency compared with conventional polyester fibers
  • ◆Suitable for the manufacture of all fabrics
  • ◆Especially suitable for blending with wool fibers
  • ◆Very low hygroscopicity

Advantages of Trevella 350 Fiber

Through chemical modification of polymer, fabrics containing Trevella 350 can get a softer feel. The outstanding anti-pilling properties enable the production of yarns with lower twist, soft yarns and lighter fabrics. In this way, besides saving cost, it also makes the fabric feel softer. In the post-finishing stage, no additional process is needed to avoid fabric pilling. In addition, Trevella has good dye affinity, that is to say, it can achieve the same dyeing effect when using 10% fewer dyes than conventional pilling-resistant polyester fibers and the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius lower.

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     Pilling Resistant Fiber

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