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Yarn function:

Airthermo? yarn, because of its unique fiber characteristics, yarn has the functions of warmth retention, quick drying, anti-pollution, easy cleaning and anti-bacterial.

Air Thermo? yarn has the characteristics of good color fastness, light weight, good skin affinity, etc.


Yarn application:

Airthermo? yarn can be widely used in knitting, edged fabric and socks,especially suitable for outdoor mountaineering clothing. It is a newly developed functional yarn. It has the characteristics of light, heat preservation, quick drying and anti-bacterial. It can make the wearer's skin keep dry and comfortable, and can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for leisure and household clothing.


Low Carbon Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation:

The products made of Airthermo? yarns, such as fabric socks, etc., because of its mild thermal insulation, sweat perspiration and quick drying function, it can reduce wearers in summer and winter. The frequency of using fans and air conditioners to reduce energy consumption and save resources


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