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Yarn function:

  • Koodry?yarn has the function of conducting sweat and drying quickly because of its special cross-section structure of fibers. The sweat evaporates rapidly from the skin surface to the fabric surface through the sweat conduction of the fibers, which gives you a more refreshing knitting and more comfortable wearing enjoyment. The special spinning process enhances its sweat conductivity and quick drying performance.
  • Kooldry?yarn has a long lasting antibacterial function.

Yarn application:

The application of Kooldry? yarn can be widely used in knitted, woven fabrics and stockings. It is especially suitable for outdoor sportswear. It is a new functional healthy and comfortable new yarn which integrates moisture absorption, quick drying, antibacterial and deodorizing functions. It combines the comfort of cotton and the quick drying of polyester, so as to keep the skin dry and comfortable, and it can also have Effective inhibition of bacterial growth to achieve the purpose of deodorization is therefore an ideal choice for sports socks, leisure and home furnishing.

Low Carbon Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation:

Fabrics, socks and other products made of Kooldry? yarn can lower the surface temperature of human body in summer because of its moisture absorption and sweat absorption function, thus reducing the frequency of fan and air conditioning and energy consumption to achieve the purpose of saving resources.

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