
CORDURA?Super Wear Resistant Fibe

CORDURA? BASELAYER   grass-roots fabrics

CORDURA? fabrics have always been the preferred battlefield clothing!

Today,soldiers in the field are increasingly demanding and complex in dress,and they need a fabric that meets all these requirements.Made of Cordura baselayer basic fabric,it can help them cope with the various environmental and climate challenges gaced by the modern military in the world.


Why is Cordura?basic fabric so strong and durable?

The answer is to use T420 nylon 6,6 fiber of LYCRA company. T420 nylon 6,6 fibers of LYCRA company are blended with cotton and cellulose fibers in a unique process to achieve excellent durability.

  • ●Strength-weight ratio is greater than cotton products
  • ●Excellent wear resistance
  • ●Less problems caused by hole or tear


Non-melting/non-melting droplets

This innovative knitted fabric with unique design combines cotton and T420 nylon 6,6 fibers of LYCRA company to create an extraordinary performance that does not melt even in the presence of heat.

  • ●Compared with polyester fibers,there is no melting phenomenon.
  • ●Reducing burn severity by carbonization
  • ●Prevent flash damage by carbonization


Best comfortable

Cordura ?baselayer basic fabrics are not only strong in texture,but also protective and comfortable to wear.

  • ●Soft and comfortable skin
  • ●Air permeability is equal to cotton products
  • ●It is the perfect choice of daily base dress and combatequipment


Water management

Cordura?baselayer basic fabrics have the funtions of fast sweat absorption and sweat conduction.They can quickly spread moisture to a wider surface and create a dry and comfortable wearing in hot and humid climates.

  • ●Sweat absorption is faster than cotton products
  • ●Transfer sweat from skin surface
  • ●The drying speed of cotton products is 2.0-2.5 times faster than that cotton products.


Soft and comfortable texture,with heat resistance,durability,excellent water management mechanism,rapid drying,Cordura?baselayer basic fabric is your best choice for personal protection.



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