
THERMOLITE?Hollow Thermal Fiber

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    Hollow Thermal Fiber


THERMOLITE? fabric is the high technology and breathable fabric of LYCRA company.


THERMOLITE? fabrics have a unique CO-shaped cross-section, which can contain isolated air, maintain body temperature and isolate cold air. Moreover, the moisture can be expelled quickly and naturally to evaporate to the surface of the fabric.

THERMOLITE? adopts the design of "isolation type heat preservation". It imitates the special hollow structure of polar bear feathers, and can keep warm in cold weather, even in wet state, it also has the feeling of warmth, comfort and lightness.


Advantages of THERMOLITE? fabrics:

  • ◆Permanent Heating Performance
  • ◆Excellent moisture permeability without chemical treatment
  • ◆Lightweight, can make the human body exercise freely
  • ◆Soft, comfortable, Non-frictional

THERMOLITE?  Fabric light and warm, suitable for all sports

Warm and comfortable, suitable for daily use

  • ◆Whether underwear, pullover, woolen sweater, from underwear to coat,
    • ◆Whether underwear, pullover, woolen sweater, from underwear to coat, THERMOLITE?fabrics are a kind of functional fabrics with excellent microclimate control effect.
    • ◆Lightweight, warm and sporty, suitable for active lifestyle
    • THERMOLITE? Fabric can be fast and dry, light and not bulky, providing maximum flexibility for outdoor sports enthusiasts.
    • THERMOLITE? fabrics help consumers make their gloves, ski suits, warm socks and other clothing drier and warmer.


  • Provide maximum warmth and protection for extreme sports

    THERMOLITE? fabrics have excellent performance in humidity management. They can expel moisture quickly from the skin, make it pass through the inner layer of clothing to the surface of cloth and evaporate at a fast speed, so as to keep athletes dry and warm. From ski suits to mountaineering suits, THERMOLITE? underwear fabrics keep warm even when wet.

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