
LYCRA?T400?New Elastic Fiber

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    New Elastic Fiber


LYCRA?T400?fiber is specially designed for comfort, fashion and lasting fit of clothing. It is the first of its kind in this unique product. Because this fiber provides many aesthetic and performance advantages, you will find it in many clothes, from jeans, sweaters, trousers to body casual wear, as well as underwear and swimming suits for competitions, depending on how to use LYCRA ? T400?fiber, which can be used to make casual clothes to formal clothes, from neat, smooth to highly antique appearance. Its pluralistic characteristics mean that the fabrics made from LYCRA ? T400?fiber can meet the requirements of LYCRA ?fiber or COOLMAX fabrics brand. The fabrics made from LYCRA T400 fibers can also meet the requirements of XFIT LYCRA fabrics or LYCRA FREEF T fabrics.

Advantages of LYCRA?T400?fibers

  1. Improve clothing performance

Good shape preservation and forever platform body

Low shrinkage and stretching

Comfortable elasticity, cool and comfortable

High tearing strength and durability

Drainage and breathability

  1. Aesthetic Advantages

Fabric has smooth appearance and soft handle

Crease resistance

Core-spun yarn provides natural touch and appearance

LYCRA?T400? fibers have more formal appearance and chlorine resistance. They can be electrochemically bleached to present an old appearance.


  1. Advantages in Fabric Production

No need for thermal setting

No need for elastic yarn feeder

It can be woven in a way similar to stiff fabrics.

Compatible with polyester fibers

High production efficiency

What is LYCRA?T400? Fiber?

LYCRA?T400? fibers is a special two-component fiber, in which two different polymers are combined in each filament. The different shrinkage ratios between the two polymers produce a smooth, spiral crimp. During dyeing and finishing, the fibers are heated to produce more crimps. As a result, the fabric and garment made of LYCRA? T400? fibers have much better tensile and resilience than bulky yarns such as PBT polyester fibers, fabrics and garments. Clothing keeps the shape that consumers expect.


High resolution photographs of LYCRA?T400?fibers show that two polymers per filament produce a variety of dog-bone cross sections. LYCRA?T400?fibers before heating LYCRA?T400?fibers after heating

How to Use LYCRA?T400?  Fiber?

LYCRA? T400? can be knitted in the form of bare fibers knitting or woven garments in the application of blending with cotton yarn, it is better to choose LYCRA? T400? core-spun yarn.

LYCRA? T400? fibers are usually supplied with white yarns of various specifications of ft/daniel and black yarns of a few varieties for dark applications such as jeans and trousers.

Content of LYCRA? T400? Fiber

By the same weight, the elasticity and resilience of LYCRA? T400? fiber are better than that of textured yarn, but lower than that of LYCRA?. Therefore, in order to achieve the given elasticity and resilience level, LYCRA? T400? in the fabric. Fiber content is usually greater than that of LYCRA? elastic fibers, although it is still a relatively low content component of the fabric. The following table shows the typical fibre contents of LYCRA? elastic fibers and LYCRA? T400? fibers in various garments.


Typical LYCRA? Fiber Content

Typical LYCRA? T400? Fiber Content




Woven shirts



Knitted shirt



Swimming suit






Possibility of Branding

Because of the versatility of LYCRA?T400? fibers, the facets and clothing made of LYCRA? T400? fibers can create different brands. Some feasible brands are shown below, depending on the application of LYCRA? T400? fibers and the requirements to be met by fabrics. For more details about the correct use of LYCRA? T400? fiber fabric brand, please contact the customer representative of Invidia.

Branding Choice

LYCRA? T400? fibers are used in various brand fabric concepts to meet consumer demand for suitability.

Fabric weft only contains LYCRA?T400?fibers

Comfort elasticity

Natural cotton sensation

Good resilience


Fabric weft only contains fabric longitude and weft all contain LYCRA?T400?fibers.

Comfort elasticity

High resilience

Low shrinkage



Fabric latitudinal all contain fabric latitudinal LYCRA?T400?纖維

Tetrahedral elasticity

High resilience 

Low Shrinkage Percentage

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